Are You just starting with Web development and overwhelmed with a lot of technologies to learn? Allow us to take you to the world of Web development


HTML is the language of the web, and the first language for all web developer to learn It has very simple syntax and easy to get started with

CSS3 is the language use to give styles, nice layout to the content of the web. They gives the ability to select different element and gives them great design, poistion them in beautifully for our users

Javascript is an actual progamming language with its own syntax and semantics and used to add interactivity and great functionality to our page

Codepen is an online text editor created by Chris Coyier and it could be used to extensively code in HTML,CSS and Javascript and you are guaranted to see results on fly and it has large community of develpers.

When webpages are been designed and developed, The joy of it is to deploy your wesite for the world to see. Learn about hosting and it's prcoess

You certainly need to join a communicity of developers to constantly get motivated and get help while learing web development
Join CodeClan today to stay motivated and learn to code faster under a mentor

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